We left off last time with Kate officially joining the gang and I think, if I recall correctly, this episode has the first appearance of Isabella and the return of Guy. Is this the lion episode? I feel like this is the episode with a random lion in it, but I don't remember much else. Let's begin!
Thoughts While Watching

Thoughts While Watching
- It's Isabella! I was right! Out of all the new characters for season three, she's the one I remember liking the best.
- Yeah, kick his ass, girl! Love how she faked him out!
- Okay, so...I barely remember anything about season three which is making this difficult for me to understand. If I recall correctly, in the flashback episode (Bad Blood? I think...) it's revealed that Robin knew both Guy and Isabella when they were children. I'm guessing he just doesn't recognize her here. Do they bring up the fact that he knows her and knew Guy had a sister at all before that episode? Or do they just make it seem like Robin forgot about them? I mean, it hardly seemed like he and Guy knew each other as children in seasons one and two, so I'm guessing this was something that was added to the storyline in season three, but surely by the time they made episode 5 they knew where they were going with this, right? Right? I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.
- Guy's back! I forget what he's doing in the forest right now, but he's back!
- I wish I remembered literally anything about season three.
- Good for Guy, standing up for himself and basically telling the sheriff to piss off. The weapon is the lion, isn't it?
- Allan...enough of the casual sexism!
- "The weapon" omg...it sounds so ominous but I know it's the ridiculous lion. I love the lion.
- Poor Much, he gets so panicked every time Robin runs off on his own.
- Vaisey yelling "I am STILL the sheriff!" reminds me of Tywin saying "Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king." The sheriff is clearly losing power quickly and he knows it, he's already reminded others that he's the sheriff multiple times this episode alone, and he's slowly becoming more and more paranoid over the course of the entire season. I love it.
- Not to sound sexist myself after calling Allan out, but was it really the best decision to pair off Kate and Isabella together? I'm not saying it because they're girls, because Marian and Djaq could have both easily held their own in a fight and they all knew it, but Kate and Isabella are a different story. Kate's the newest member of the gang, she only joined at the end of last episode, and they don't know anything about Isabella yet except that they believe she's a maid to a noblewoman (obviously a lie, but still). As far as anyone in the gang is concerned these are just two women, in long dresses, who are extremely inexperienced fighters compared to literally everyone else there. Why would they pair them off together and have them run off alone instead of putting one of the other more experienced outlaws with each of them? I know nothing happens to them when they're alone, but it easily could have, you know?
- Oh, okay, I vaguely remember this woman. Circus lady with gladiator kids or something, right?
- LMAO! This little ginger kid! I love how every child on this show makes a comment about John's size.
- Guy doesn't even recognize his own sister. I mean, I guess I get that since he hasn't seen her since she was like, what, 13ish years old? I hate Guy.
- LMAO! IT'S THE LION! I WAS RIGHT! I love Allan's reaction: "What the hell?!"
- That poor lion. He's hungry and confused. I forget what happens to him, but I hope he lives.
- So are Bertha and Vaisey like exes or something? What's happening here?
- Aww, this little kid is super cute!
- Isabella can fight pretty well. I'm impressed.
- So now we find out that Guy arranged an abusive marriage for Isabella at 13 years old and they haven't seen each other since, she's not a maid but actually a noblewoman, and that she came to Nottingham for protection from her husband. She's also quick to claim that she didn't know Robin Hood's true nature and says that she won't see him again, but I know that's a lie. It would have been interesting to see how Marian would have reacted to her showing up and this knowledge about Guy's past. And of course, if Marian would have been able to have an effect on how Isabella turns out. If she and Robin had never started their fling to begin with, would she have ended up the way she did? Didn't their fling ending have something to do with it? Who knows? Not me, because I can't remember anything.
- This Bertha woman is an absolute snake. John is really bad at figuring out who to trust. He falls for everyone's bullshit. This reminds me of "Walkabout."
- This poor lion! I'm so worried for him! I don't give a crap about any of these people though.
- How common were these types of circuses/gladiator fights in post-Roman medieval Europe? Were they actually a thing? Note to self: research this later. Also, how common was slavery like this? Did their society view it as slavery if one person sold a child to another person like Bertha just did or was that just viewed as a form of adoption? I don't know how historically accurate this is, but I know in "Turk Flu" the slave trader made a comment about how the Pope banned trading Christians which is why he was bringing Muslims into Europe to sell as slaves. Although, I suppose slavery has always existed in one form or another (and still exists), regardless of whether or not it was legal, accepted, or widespread at the time.
- Is Guy just going to let the lion eat Prince John's men? Okay...
- "Because he offered a fair price for you, that's why." I seriously just hate Guy so much. He has sooo many fangirls but I just...absolutely despise this man. No offense to the fangirls, I'm just saying.
- Funny thing is, if Bertha would have only turned on John and then explained that the sheriff said he was going to kill them all including the children if she didn't have him killed, I think he would have understood that and would have forgiven it. But selling a child? That's what really pissed him off and made him realize what a snake she is.
- So she's been trading children as slaves for years and the sheriff recognizes it as slavery and calls it what it is. Interesting that he banned her from Nottingham and told her that he'd kill her if she came back. I wonder what the reason was. I can't imagine he actually gave a damn about her slave trading considering he bought slaves himself before. Maybe it's because if kids from Nottingham went missing or people in Nottingham were seen holding Christian children as slaves then it would reflect badly on him as a sheriff, as though he couldn't maintain law and order in his shire? Or maybe she just cheated him out of money before, but if that's the case, I can't imagine he would let her live and walk away with a warning.
- Aww, all the kids ended up safe in a good home or orphanage or convent or wherever they are. And the one that's besties with John is named Walt. Good to know.
- LMAO "Can I help you?" I love the sheriff's happy smile when he sees Guy's come crawling back with his tail between his legs.
- That ending scene is interesting. Robin's like...almost violent with Isabella but without hurting her, I can't tell if he remembers that Guy had a sister and that he knew her as a child or not, but there's definitely something erotic about that scene. It's clear that both of them already have an attraction to each other and caught some type of feelings even though they pretty much just ran around the forest together and nothing else. I think he's a douche for taking her money though. I get that she's a noble, but she's also on the run. Her abusive husband is chasing her and the only person protecting her is her abusive brother who sold her to her husband in the first place. If anybody needs a safety net to fall back on, it's her. And he just takes it. Screw him. He's helped nobles and royals before without demanding any of their money.

Final Thoughts
What happened to the lion? Did he just feast on guards in the forest? Is he still roaming the forest? Did the guards kill him? Put him back in the box? I'm so confused and worried for him. And wait, what happened to Bertha and the adult gladiators with her? Did we see what happened? Is the sheriff going to hang her? I'm so lost.
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