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Secret Diary of a Call Girl 1x06

Since this is the episode that Matt Smith guest stars in, I’d like to take a moment to address something. Most of the people I’ve come across who love this show tend to be Doctor Who fans. I’m not. It actually kind of gets on my nerves if I look up something on youtube for this show and all the comments are like “OMG I can’t believe it’s Rose Tyler!!!1! oh em gee what would the doctor say?” Like seriously, get some new material. There’s hundreds of people saying the same thing. I never look at Billie Piper and automatically think Rose Tyler. I think Hannah/Belle first and then I just think Billie Piper. I like her in this show and I like her music. Now, I DID see the first few seasons of Doctor Who. I think I watched almost the first four seasons before I bailed out. I wasn’t crazy about it. It just wasn’t really my thing, but I have a lot of friends who love it and I gave it a real chance but just didn’t care enough to continue watching it. It felt like a chore and there were WAY too many gross fart jokes for my taste. I hate that. I don’t know why British tv is littered with it, but I find it gross, immature, and annoying. The same thing happened when I tried to watch Merlin. I LOVED Robin Hood and everyone told me that Merlin had a very similar feel to it, plus the actor who played Giles on Buffy the Vampire Slayer was in it, so I gave it a shot. I gave up somewhere around season three of Merlin because of the fart jokes and, in my opinion, the lack of consistent development of the characters and their relationships. I tried to give it a real chance and I just didn’t care for it. Oh well. But I figured I’d just mention that I’m probably one of only a few people that love Secret Diary of a Call Girl that doesn’t give a crap about Doctor Who. Or Matt Smith. Or the fact that the actress who played Rose Tyler and one of the actors who played The Doctor play characters who sleep together in this episode. Don’t give a single crap. Anyway, onto the show!

Thoughts While Watching

  • I mentioned in a previous post that one of the reasons I could never do this job (there are several reasons, it’s just absolutely not a job I could ever handle) is that I couldn’t keep up with maintaining a sexy appearance all the time with watching my weight and removing hair every day. This is another reason. There is absolutely no way I’d be able to handle reading reviews like that. It would genuinely upset me way too much. One of my friends is an escort and I’ve come across really nasty reviews of her online that bothered me on her behalf (they made this review on the show look like a downright compliment in comparison). Men can just be sooo disrespectful, especially when they can hide behind a screen and be anonymous. I would literally cry if someone I slept with said nasty things about me like that. No way could I ever handle it.
  • Stephanie is so manipulative. This episode really explains why Belle has so much animosity toward her throughout the show.
  • This client absolutely terrifies me. Especially when he says, “you’ve used that line before” like he’s psychoanalyzing his prey. Soooo creepy. And this is what I meant in a previous post when I said that I don’t think it’s smart to host clients at her home. Now this absolute nightmare of a guy knows where she lives. I’d be terrified.
  • So apparently she left her apartment to go down to see Ben, but if I were her I would be afraid to even leave my apartment. It’s still night, he could’ve been outside and there might not have been people around to see if he grabbed her.
  • I can’t believe that Stephanie knew what that guy was like and still sent him to her anyway. And then she has the nerve to act offended when people hate her.
  • Stephanie says in the flashback that she doesn’t tell the girls her real name, but in season four we find out that Stephanie actually is her real name.
  • Well, of course you’re gonna be bored and miss work if all you’re doing is sitting on a park bench. That’s boring. Go do something fun.
  • No offense, but I don’t find Matt Smith attractive at all. I’m not sure how he reached heartthrob status for so many girls. Not to be superficial, I’m just saying.
  • Did she just pull out wine for breakfast? LMAO!
  • How can this guy not tell that she wants him to leave? She’s making it super obvious.
  • I love Ben! I love this scene! “I’m Ben, her fiancé.” *Cuddles next to him on the couch*
  • I’m glad she stood up for herself to Stephanie and that Stephanie promised she wouldn’t do that to her again, but it makes me wonder if Stephanie has done it or will continue to do it to other girls.
  • Aw, Ben. So sweet. He left her that nice review to help her out. I love him.

Final Thoughts

This show portrays prostitution in a very positive light most of the time, but I’m glad that they do occasionally show us some of the creepier, scarier clients and don’t sugarcoat the job. It can definitely be dangerous and I think it’s responsible of them that they show that side of it too instead of only the glamorous parts. Onto the next one!


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